
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

~60 kids. ~25 flea bites. Why am I doing this?

I’ve had it on my heart all year long – to conduct a camp for kids in my village. So last week that happened. Why? I’ve been asked that question by folks that come from same places and it took me by surprise. Don't you see what I see? In the villages there is still no running water, kids walk around barefoot, there are no kids activities - not much to do for them, except play in the dirt or around the house. They also take care of the chicks and ducklings, some work in the fields, hoeing.

Many parents are gone abroad, the kids staying with grandmas and aunts. Many families are drinking heavily. There is a breeze of despair in the air. People are harsh, but they accept life as it is. Few try to change things and that mostly includes a new fence or a home repair. Kids just grow along.
Scouting around the village in search for kids
So, we sang, we danced, we screamed, we played, we talked, we created, we laughed and did many other fun things.  We also explored some things. We explored emotions. Only a handful knew what those are. We talked about how the negative ones get in the way of our life, how fear of people poisons us.