
Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Chicken Identity & The Bribe

I'm sitting here trying to write my paper...I picked the Development of Old Age and Related Issues. I'm just curious about this topic. Besides, I don't think anybody else picked it. But, my mind is drifting away...

The statements of the psychology teacher that women have evolved from chicken are echoing in my ears... Yes, she was dead serious about it. She says she saw the comparison between brains and that they look similar. Also, she asks: "Did you notices how chicken are looking at the sun? Tilting their head on one side? Women do the same."
My grandma...
My great great great great great great.... grandma.

I guess there are exception, as with anything... But isn't it just so confidence-boosting? It so builds up self-esteem and helps a great deal, if one is uncertain of his/her identity. It's great to finally know you are kin-souls with a chicken; to feel the connection, when you're about to have it for dinner...

However, this issue is quite insignificant when compared to another reality of life: bribing the teacher to pass the exam. That's what I hear students talk about. They seem to prefer this over preparing for it. I hear the lady next to me, sharing: "I need new shoes, but my husby tells me: 'Your shoes will go into Mr. IT teacher's pocket.'" I'm taken aback. What do you mean? "Oh, I don't know if I will pass the exam. So, that's what my husby advised me."

I'm shocked. I recall that teacher - acting more like a gestapo officer, than a teacher. I reply: "That man? You are paying already to study here. You are paying to get knowledge. It's his responsibility to teach you. Why would you bribe him?"

Yes, but he is the son-in-law of the school owner... and somehow he has hinted about the rates for the exam. Or maybe the people here, with their bribe-inflamed mentality, are reading into things?

So, what? - would be my reply. But most don't think so... They live in tandem: I didn't study, I can't object to paying. You don't pay, you don't pass. It goes without words and it's convenient. Money solves it.

And when you think that the exam is: writing a text and knowing where to indent it, how to start a new paragraph and how to make some words bold and Italic... Of course, it's hard for a beginner.

Why does it bother me?


Jason said...

Wow! And I used to think, this happened only in India!

Lovely writing, as always, doll :)

Adeliq said...

Thank you Jason.

(am I not the best follow-upper - 2 years later I reply - lol)